With hurricane season upon us, we have gathered some tips to help with your dog's anxiety during a storm or fireworks.

Make sure you are able to recognize the subtle signs of distress in your dog. 2. LET THEM HIDE OR BUILD THEM A BUNKER
If they wish to hide, let them.
For some dogs, firm soft pressure around their upper body is relaxing. 4. MEDICATION
First try natural remedies, if they don't work there are several medications that can assist in all levels of anxiety.
Intervene Early
Make sure you are able to recognize the subtle signs of
distress in your dog to be able to intervene early. Some of the
more subtle signs may include:
* Hiding/retreating to their crate
* Moving close to their favorite person
* Pacing
* Panting
* Licking their lips
* Yawning
* Drooling
* Whining/barking
* Shaking/trembling
* Trying to fit into tight spaces
Let Them Hide or Build Them a Bunker
If they wish to hide, then let them. If they want to be in their
crate, then allow them inside. Try allowing them into a dark
closet or smaller bathroom in which you have placed a bed,
food, water, and their favorite toy.
Body Wraps
For some dogs, firm soft pressure around their upper body is
very relaxing. This can assist some dogs for a variety of
reasons (shy, nervous, fearful, needing confidence, stressed,
hyper-excitable, car sickness).
T-shirt wrap - The aim is to have a firm-fitting t-shirt overall,
not a big loose one. Try taking a t-shirt and putting it over the
dog's head with the front of the t-Shirt facing up on their back.
Sweatshirt wrap - Some dogs do better with a heavier material.
First try natural remedies such as:
Essential Oil Lavender, ProQuiet, Adaptil Collar/Spray, or CBD.
If the natural remedies do not work, there are several
medications that can be used to assist in all levels of storm/
noise anxiety. Using an anti-anxiety medication early in the
evolution of this fear can settle the symptoms down entirely in
some dogs.